The Consultative Meeting
to support the National Agenda of Women's Demands
at the National Dialogue Conference


  • 10-11 March 2013

  1. 90553

    Targeted Group

  • (140) Male/female participants, from various components (parties, independents, government agencies, Media officers, academics, youth, civil society organizations) and from different governorates.

  1. 90552


  1. 90551

Targeted Group

  • Contributing to raising awareness of the National Agenda for women and the importance of their effective role in the National Dialogue conference.
  • Boost the National Dialogue members, supporters of women’s issues, through activating the role of the monitoring committee of the National Agenda for women.


  • More than (86) participants from the target parties had an awareness about operational mechanism of the National Dialogue Conference an knowledge about the National Agenda of women's demands.
  • Advocacy plans and proposals were put forward to support the project of  national agenda of women's demands at the National Dialogue Conference.
  • A package of notes and amendments to the components of National Agenda of Women's Demands existed.