Strengthening civil participation
to Support the National Dialogue outcomes


  • 2013

  1. 90542

    Targeted Group

  • Students, teaching staff, and parents of Asma girls school

  1. 90541


  1. 90540


  • Raise the awareness of the Yemen Transition Period and the National Dialogue Conference Outcomes.
  • Spreading the culture of dialogue and peace in Maen District especially in Asmaa School.


  • Number of (112) teacher, (88) parents, (511) students have been sensitized to the importance of the National Dialogue and its outcomes.
  • A document was submitted to the General Secretariat of the Dialogue Conference to adopt the proposals and recommendations of the target groups. A total of 292 proposals and recommendations were issued by all the workshops implemented in the project.
  • The students carried out a number of cultural, artistic and sporting activities, as well as the restoration of the walls of the school with several expressive drawings.
  • (560) Hijabs (headscarves), which bear National Dialogue logo, were distributed to the students. 
  • (23) High school students were honored for being outstanding and distinguished during the 2010, 2011, 2012 events.